Thursday, May 14, 2020

Women´s Right in Islam - 759 Words

Surah IV is an explanation and list of women’s rights pertaining to laws, inheritance and marriage and also touches on families in general. Vss. 19-39 is an important passage because it is the groundwork for marriage and women’s rights in the marriage. There are very specific instructions on how to punish a woman who has acted indecent, when a woman should and should not get her inheritance, whom a man can marry and how a man should treat his wives. Verse 19 starts the discussion on inheritance and says that if any woman has any act of lewdness, her inheritance must be cut off. There must be four witnesses to testify against her acts of indecency and if there are, the woman must be kept in their house until she dies. It goes onto to say†¦show more content†¦Lastly, men should wait until they are married to have sexual intercourse. God will steer a man in the â€Å"right† direction and if a man gives into lust, it will put him on the â€Å"wrong† path. The Surah continues on with more instructions on how to act. A person shall not be greedy or kill another human being. If a person does that, they will go to Hell and for God that is an easy decision. Simply enough, if no heinous sins are committed, and then a person will be admitted into heaven. A person is not allowed to be jealous or want what others have. God does not favor any person. Everything anyone has, they have earned and God knows who earned what they have and who has not. A person is also required to take care of parents and those very close to them. They are to share their goods with them and if they do not, God will see. The last verses go onto contradict the previous statements. It claims that men are superior to women because God prefers men to women. Righteous women obey everything that a man says and guards God’s secret. A woman who can’t keep this secret or if a man even thinks she will rebel, she is to be banished and beat. If after the beating, the woman obeys the men, he is to forgive her and forget about it. If there are still issues between the couple, each of them is to bring an arbitrator and if both arbitrators’ want them to work it out, then that is what the couple must do. The verses 19-39 really cover the rules of inheritance for women, what to do if aShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights Of Islam Essay1810 Words   |  8 PagesWomen’s Rights in Islam: In his farewell address, Muhammad said, â€Å"Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.† Although he advocated for equal rights among sexes, for centuries, the portrayal of the lives of women in many Islamic societies has been that of inequality, prejudice, and injustice. 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