Monday, May 25, 2020

The Famous Greek Philosopher And The Best Greek Philosophers

Socrates was known as one of the best Greek philosophers born in Athens in 469 BC. He wasn’t one to keep his legacy alive by physically writing it down. Socrates was a verbal philosopher who taught orally. He always had questions beyond questions for anyone and everyone who he crossed paths with. He was a curious person and his curiosity is what lead him to become the great philosopher he is known by today. He would talk to anyone who was willing to listen, no matter the gender, wealth, or age of the person. Socrates was known for not accepting money for his teachings. He lived a fairly poor life but he was known for his character and the way he presented himself. He taught himself before he taught others without even realizing it. Self-development was the main aspect he used to tell his fellow believers, rather than focusing on becoming a wealthy person. The Socratic Method is known as the famous process in helping people. He would ask them a number of questions and listen to what one had to say, rather than making assumptions and jumping to conclusions. His goal was to let the other person listen to themselves and realize what they are speaking. He tried to give them a voice of reasoning and have them truly understand that the answer doesn’t necessarily have to come from someone else’s perspectives but their own. Socrates ended up being put on trial for a number of reasons. Our modern day knowledge of the word apology has no where near the same meaning as the titleShow MoreRelatedHow Did Ancient Greece Influence Western Civilization1291 Words   |  6 Pages Ancient Greek made many advances during their time in many subjects still used today. The ancient Greeks advances in these subjects, influenced and contributed to the Western civilization. The Western civilization’s culture and outlook on life was shaped by ancient Greek. 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